If you have a small business, getting involved in digital marketing can seem overwhelming. You have enough to do to keep your business afloat. But in today’s business environment taking the time to do some digital marketing can make a big positive impact on your profitability. DigiSphere Marketing can help you grow your digital marketing footprint. Here are some of the things we can do for you:
You must have video content on your site
Text websites just don’t work anymore. People are visually oriented when looking for helpful information, so video content is critical. Do you have a skill you can teach others? Create a video. Trying to introduce a new product? Make a video to show customers how it can benefit them. You are only limited by your imagination when it comes to valuable video.
Use geo-conquesting to your advantage
The increasing use of location data from mobile devices offers retailers a chance to “geo-conquest” their competition. This technique uses location information to create virtual fences where you place your ads near your competitors’ local sites. When people search for them your ads are seen.
Build brand ambassadors
Today’s consumers are looking less at traditional advertising and relying more on family, friends, and social influencers for recommendations when making purchase decisions. Small businesses can take advantage of this by incentivizing their customers to offer recommendations and referrals to others. Offer them some incentive to refer your business and you can develop a network of brand ambassadors at little cost.
Utilize ad networks
Online ads can be very useful because you can set the parameters to give them the most impact; location, browser history, demographics, search history, and so forth. There are a variety of ad producers to take advantage of including Google, Yelp, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more.
You need a business blog
Having a website available is only part of the story. Keeping your customers informed, teaching them something new, or offering insights into parts of your business they may not be aware of are all good reasons to have an active blog. Try to bring something new to a topic about your business, don’t just mimic what’s already out there. You can create a loyal customer base if you are perceived as an expert in your market.
Take advantage of Facebook advertising
Creating organic Facebook content may not get you customers, but utilizing Facebook advertising can. If you create a video, then set up Facebook to send targeted ads to people who watch all or the majority of your video, you are using the power of Facebook to advertise your business. It is no longer good enough to simply put out posts and hope people read them.
If all these ideas seem to be too much to handle, contact DigiSphere Marketing and let us handle it for you. We are experts in SEO, social media, digital marketing, and website design. We can also manage direct mail campaigns and develop TV/radio advertising for your business. Call us today at 941-803-4141.