Review and Track Performance by Using Google Analytics

Businesses can’t just create a website, they need to make it valuable to visitors and have the right content to get highly ranked on search engines. One way to do this is by using Google Analytics. If you aren’t familiar with digital marketing and how analytics can help grow your business then please contact DigiSphere Marketing and let us help. Here are reasons why digital analytics are so important for your business.

Learn about your visitors

Your website should not just exist, but needs to be attractive to existing and potential customers and create value for them when they visit. Google Analytics allows you to extract information about your visitors that can be used to fine-tune your website.

  • Type of device used — These data show how many users are using mobile devices, as an example, to look at your site. If this is a majority of visitors then make sure your site is optimized for viewing on a mobile device.
  • Demographics — Are your primary visitors young or older, male or female, located near your business or further away? All of these data help you tune your site for them.
  • Location and languages — Do you need to include multiple language translations for your site based on international visitors or those for whom English is a second language? You may be missing customer opportunities if they visit and can’t understand your site.

Determine your website’s strengths

One of the many things Google Analytics does well is gives you data on page visits, bounces, time spent on a page, and so forth. This is very useful in giving you the information to optimize your site for the content most visitors view and getting rid of less important pages that aren’t attracting visitors.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO analysis is using data to optimize your website so it gets placed high on search engine results. This results in “organic” traffic that arrives because of your high search engine rank. Google Analytics allows you to review your web traffic, referrals from searches or other sites, bounce rates that show visitors who arrived but immediately left your site, and the key search terms that brought traffic to your website. DigiSphere Marketing uses this information to tune up your site so you will be placed high on searches that are relevant to your products or services.

Review the behavior of your visitors

You don’t have to guess what your visitors are doing when they visit your website. The data will show you which pages are reviewed before a visitor leaves your site, the path they took through your site before leaving, whether a particular visitor has returned to your site again, and did their visit result in a sale or a contact to your company. All of these parameters are critical to making sure your site is operating as you expect. 

How DigiSphere Marketing can help

If digital marketing and Google Analytics seem too complex to handle yourself, you don’t need to worry because DigiSphere Marketing stands ready to help with our expertise in digital marketing. We have the tools and experience to make your website stand out and capture new customers. Give us a call today at 1-800-807-3031.

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Alberto P.
Alberto P.
@Alberto P
DigiSphere Marketing offered such an amazing process while they built my website. From the kick off, time it took to launch my website, and the interaction I had with the team, it was hands down a great experience. I will recommend to everyone I know looking to launch their business and get out there into the digital world. Thank you DigiSphere!
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Michael Halas
Great company looking forward to working with them.
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Marianna Toyota
Steve and his team at DigiSphere are great. We have worked together for many years with excellent results.
Jerome Reuter
Jerome Reuter
While the basic ideals involved in marketing have largely remained unchanged, such as the need to advertise products and services to an intended demographic, the game has changed considerably. SEO, reach, impressions, and social media mean all the difference when it comes to success. Digisphere Marketing has unsurpassed attention to detail to ensure your business stays ahead of the curve.
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Very helpful and knowledgeable, highly recommended this company
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Presley Pitts
DigiSphere Marketing is such a great group to work with. From website builds, seo, ppc, social, and more. They are truly a one stop shop for all of your digital marketing needs.

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