With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing in the United States and throughout the world, businesses are having to make tough decisions about how and where employees will be working in the future. Here are five topics business owners may need to communicate to employees as they transition back to office environments.
Work schedules and remote work
Communicate clearly what options employees have as your company reopens. Schedule staggering so there are minimal employees present at any one time may be an option, or some employees may be able to work remotely. Make sure all communications are clearly written and distributed or available to all employees.
Changing the office environment
It may be necessary to change the physical layout of your offices. Current open offices are an almost impossible environment to maintain physical distancing. You may need to purchase additional equipment such as printers so multiple employees aren’t sharing them. Once the necessary changes are made, make sure all employees are aware of any new requirements such as not congregating in one place, not using meeting rooms, or not eating lunch together. Document any communications and offer introductory tours to employees to introduce them to the changes as they return.
Keeping offices clean
Cleaning and sterilization during the pandemic are both critical and difficult. Many businesses are hiring commercial cleaning companies familiar with approved cleaning procedures to help minimize the virus spread. However, you can also encourage employees to take responsibility for work areas during their workday. Once again, document everything the company is doing to protect employees and what you expect from the employees themselves.
Mask requirements
Requirements for masks vary by state, city, and a company’s own decision. If there are any requirements for masks to be worn, make sure this is clearly communicated to all employees by letter, email, and visibly posting signs. Business owners will need to make decisions about whether they will offer masks to employees or make them a personal responsibility. Document every decision and communicate all information to your employees.
COVID-19 education and preparedness
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that companies should have a COVID-19 plan in place that addresses illnesses, sick leave, administrative controls, and so forth. Companies should communicate to employees what actions they should take if they feel ill, what procedures have been put in place to minimize exposure, and any plans to provide health checks or other controls.
For more information on the CDC guidelines for businesses visit httpss://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/guidance-business-response.html.
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